Diploma in Computer Application
Module -I
IT Fundamental and Office Automation
Basic of Computer, Hardware and Software Terminology, Basic Input/ Output, Process, Organization of Computer, Operating System.
MS-Office -
MS-Word, Formatting, Inserting, Mail Merge, Page Setup, Tables Formats, Resume Creation, Application Writing, Letter Drafting, Data arrange in table, Basic practice of drawing tools, various assignment relating to Table and Documentation.
MS-Excel -
Formatting of spreadsheet, Formula and Function, Editing Features, Working with Large Worksheets, Working with Charts, Data Entry, Interest Calculation, Marks-Sheet Pay-Slip, Commission Calculation, Data Sorting, Advance level Excel, Chart Creation.
MS-Power Point -
Creating Presentation, Animation Design, Slide Show, Working with slide and creating powerful presentation.
Internet -
Introduction of Internet, Internet Connectivity, Surfing, Chating, E-Mail Creation, Formation of E-Mail, Search Engine.
DCA Computer Course in Udaipur
Module -II
Basics of Accounting
The Business Entity Concept, The Dual Aspect Concept, The Accounting Period Concept, The Cost Concept, The Money Measurement Concept, The Going Concern Concept The Accrual Concept, The Matching Concept Business Organizations Introduction, Forms of Business Organizations, Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership, Company, HUF, Co- operative Society, Trust, Trading Organizations, Service Organizations
Understanding of Financial Statements-
Describing Financial Statements, The Manufacturing & Trading Account, The Profit and Loss Account/Income & Expenditure A/c,
Module -III
Advance Accounting
Ledger Creation, Ledger Group, Voucher Entry: Purchase, Sales, Payment, Receipt, Contra, Purchase Return with Debit Note, Sales Return Credit Note, Billing or Invoicing, New Reference, Against Reference, Advance, On Account features, Bills Receivable, Bills Payable, Cost Category, Cost Center, Simple Interest Calculation, Compound Interest Calculation, Advance Interest Calculation, Currency, Forex Gain and Loss, Job Costing, Maintain Interest with Debit Note and Credit Note., Budget and Control, Credit Limit, Scenario Manager, Banking and Bank Reconciliation Statement, Reversing Journal, Post Dated Voucher, Optional Voucher
Advance Inventory
Unit, Compound Unit, Stock Group, Stock Category, Stock Item, Purchase of Stock, Sales of Stock, Creating Debit Note and Credit Note for Stock. Godown or Location, Stock Transfer, Batch wise Details, Expiry Date Maintain, Actual and Billed Quantity, Track Additional Cost of Purchase, Price Level and Price List, Purchase Order, Sales Order, Receipt Note, Delivery Not, Rejection In, Rejection Out, Reorder Level, Valuation Method
(Avg. cost, FIFO,LIFO, Std. Cost, Std. Price etc ), Standard Rate for Stock Item, Zero Value Entries, Job Work In Order, Job Work Out Order, Material In, Material Out, Physical Stock Maintain, Manufacturing and Bills of Material (BOM), Point of Sale (POS), Round up, Round Down,
Unit (Work), Attendance and Production Type, Pay Heads, Employee Category, Employee Group, Employee, Define Salary Payroll Statutory Detail, Income tax pay head detail, Income tax Pay head detail, Income tax declaration, Income tax exempt, Income tax amount, Payroll income tax configuration, Payroll statutory detail
Bank Reconciliation Statement, Chequee Printing, Deposit Slip, Cheque Register, Payment Advice, Post Dated Summary.
Module -IV
Goods and Service Tax (GST)
GSTIN, Central Tax (CGST), State Tax (SGST), Integrated Tax (IGST), Union Territory (UTGST), GSTR-1, GSTR-2, GSTR-3B, GST COM-08, GSTR-4, GST Annual Report, B2B Invoice, B2C Large Invoice, B2C Small Invoice, Credit Note, Debit Note for Registered and Unregistered Parties, Export Invoice, Tax Liabilities on Advance Received, Adjustment of Advance Received, Nil Rated Invoice B2BUR Invoice for Unregistered Dealer and Reverse Charge, Import of Service, Import of Goods, Advance Payment, Adjustment of Advance Payment Eligible ITC, Interest and Late Fees on GST Decrease of Tax Liabilities, Increase of Tax Liabilities, Increate of Input Tax Credit ISD Transfer, Purchase from SEZ, Purchase Under Reverse Charge
Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)
Introduction, How to apply of TAN, Various Section and rates of TDS Working with TDS, Defining TDS Statutory Master, TDS Nature of Payments, Deductee Types, Creating Expense Ledger, Creating Party Ledger, Creating Tax Ledger, Defining TDS Voucher, Journal Voucher for TDS on Expenses Generating and Printing Reports Introduction, Financial Statements, Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account, Trial Balance, Accounting Books and Registers, Cash Book, Bank Book.
Module -V
Corel Draw-
Using the toolbox/Using color, Drawing and editing objects/Creating a greeting card, Using photographs in a motivational poster, Using a template to create a two-page newsletter, Bitmap and vector effects, Letterhead, Creating a three-panel brochure for a student business, Visiting Card, Sticker, Letterhead with Logo, Wedding Card, Flex Banner
Module -VI
Adobe Photoshop
About Photoshop, Photoshop Features advertisement creation, wallpapers, websites, jewelry creation, Photo modification purpose, Editing Photo in camera, photo lightings, temperature and color options for background shades, Creating Web Galleries, PDF Presentation, introduction of layers, Working With Photoshop Tools Working With Layers,
Module VII
Adobe Page Maker
Introduction to Desktop Publishing-Examples of Desktop Publishers, Opening PageMaker- Start button & Desktop icon, The Page Maker window-Parts & functions The Toolbox, The Control Palette, The Color Palette, The Guides, Saving, Closing, Opening and creating a file, Drawing and Formatting Objects, Typing & Formatting text. Live Project - Marks Sheet, Payroll, Balance Sheet & PL AC, Shop Billing, Various Designs in Corel and Photoshop, Handling Accounts of a Service Firm, Trade Firm, Manufacturing Firm